Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Learning Other Languages
by Disassociated Lady 2 inthe jw org keeps its servants busier than ever these days so that their minds are occupied 24/7.
they ensure that there is no time for anything "worldly" to distract them.. in last week's watchtower article on spiritual health they are putting pressure on the congregation to learn other languages on top of everything else they do.
they allude to the fact that their spiritual health will suffer if they cannot understand the talks and publications in other languages.
Village Idiot
Could their cutback on literature have anything to do with this? Supposedly, they have literature in other languages but maybe they don't want to be bothered with the work of translation. -
What is "The Truth" which the Jehovah's Witnesses are really missing ?
by Finkelstein ini personally think the truth which the jws are missing all together is that the wts has devised and constructed a doctrinal gospel (1914) specifically to assist toward the proliferation of the literature of which this organization publishes itself.
they allure people with them then exploit these ones further in the distribution of those pieces of literature all while stamping the information as bible truths.
i see jws as well controlled robotic sales representatives for this unscrupulous religious publishing house.
Village Idiot
...I cant help be dismayed that people today in this age of information are still believing in ancient mythology, words and activities expressed by forgiven ignorant humans, 2 to 3 thousand years ago.
“The truth is that the greatest enemies to the doctrines of Jesus are those calling themselves the expositors of them, who have perverted them for the structure of a system of fancy absolutely incomprehensible, and without any foundation in his genuine words. And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with all this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this the most venerated reformer of human errors."
Thomas Jefferson - Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823.
The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams page 594. Edited by Lester J. Cappon -
Question for those that have been Disfellowshiped for apostasy VS succesfully fading
by NikL inthere are quite a few here who have been disfellowshipped for apostasy.. then there are those that have successfully faded.. why the different outcome?
are the ones that got df more out spoken?
or does the discrepancy lie with the elders?.
Village Idiot
I asked if the GB know what they are even teaching anymore? They cannot even keep up with their own "light."
In response to the "light gets brighter" meme I say that "There is no light getting brighter but instead a bunch of light bulbs burning out and being replaced by the Governing Body.
Question for those that have been Disfellowshiped for apostasy VS succesfully fading
by NikL inthere are quite a few here who have been disfellowshipped for apostasy.. then there are those that have successfully faded.. why the different outcome?
are the ones that got df more out spoken?
or does the discrepancy lie with the elders?.
Village Idiot
There are quite a few here who have been disfellowshipped for apostasy.
Then there are those that have successfully faded.
Why the different outcome? Are the ones that got DF more out spoken? Or does the discrepancy lie with the elders?
It gives you more control and more dignity to fade out. I tried but because I was outspoken I got disfellowshipped anyways. As for discrepancy amongst the elders they are all the same with your experience being an exception.
I can see nothing in the elders handbook to indicate they must DF someone who is inactive or has left the org in the dust
In the 1980s, during their witch-hunts, they were coming to the houses of inactive ones and sometimes tried to make them sign a paper that stated that they were no longer attending meetings. If they signed it then the disfellowshipping announcement would be made.
They were treating inactive ones in the same manner as disfellowshipped ones.
I knew an elderly lady who was disfellowshipped for not attending the meetings.
Back in the early 90s when it was discovered I had read "Crisis of Conscience", they had a judicial meeting with me but basically told me to keep my thoughts to myself and they would leave me alone. Maybe that was on account of .my active JW wife?
You were fantastically lucky! In my judicial committee I told the elders that I was not promoting sects (they had read the scripture which mentions that). They responded by saying that I was "a sect of one".
I had a neighbor who got disfellowshipped along with her husband for reading that same book.
Why Is The Governing Body Moving Corporation Headquarters Out In The Boonies Away From Public Veiw?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think the decision to move to a more secluded place was probably started taking shape right after silentlambs march at headquarters in clear public view of their neighbors.
i mean how do you respectively live something like this down in front of all those neighbors close by?
that's why i think they are heading for the boonies because deep down they know that their public reputation will only go from bad to worse at this late date of the faithful & discreet slave of god con game.
Village Idiot
Here's the version of those two girls' testimony without the editing:
Will the GB ever humble themselves as Jesus admonished in Matt 20 20-28
by UnshackleTheChains inin his book crisis of conscience, raymond franz likened the governing body to the proverbial 'iron fist in a velvet glove'.
this would seem harsh if it weren't for the fact that there is ample proof that their policies and teachings have caused much pain amongst the friends.
for example, many families have been torn apart through their shunning policy.
Village Idiot
No. Yes.
"I'm firm in my beliefs": Hypocrisy and Delusion
by schnell ini have a friend who said he'll have to stop listening to me after i told him about yahweh's origins in canaanite religion, because he's firm in his beliefs.. i have a mother who said she goes to the meetings even if it's wrong, and i should too.
she is also firm in her beliefs.. i have talked to an elder about evolution, and as i made the case for it and against creationism, he said that at some point i have to decide that there is a creator.
he too is firm in his beliefs.. all of these people will also talk about going out in service.
Did you ever think about being persecuted?
by Funchback ini was introduced to the jw religion at the age of 7. i can't recall when i was taught about having to suffer persecution in the so-called last days, but i do remember thinking that i would crumble under pressure.. as i entered my young adult years, i imagined how governments would persecute us.
i had thoughts of being tortured for information and then how i would say anything to the torturer just to stop the pain and then be labeled a modern-day judas, missing out on everlasting life.. the jw way of life and expectations are both scary and unrealistic.. i am glad i have canceled armageddon.
also, if i should ever be tortured for some belief or principle, i shall remain strong until the end.
Village Idiot
My mom texted me, asked where I'll be "when we are persecuted". I told her, "Probably bringing my mom and brother food and stuff until you decide it's okay to come out."
That's a good one schnell.
Did you ever think about being persecuted?
by Funchback ini was introduced to the jw religion at the age of 7. i can't recall when i was taught about having to suffer persecution in the so-called last days, but i do remember thinking that i would crumble under pressure.. as i entered my young adult years, i imagined how governments would persecute us.
i had thoughts of being tortured for information and then how i would say anything to the torturer just to stop the pain and then be labeled a modern-day judas, missing out on everlasting life.. the jw way of life and expectations are both scary and unrealistic.. i am glad i have canceled armageddon.
also, if i should ever be tortured for some belief or principle, i shall remain strong until the end.
Village Idiot
James Mixon,
Not me but my kids had nightmares.
Kind of makes me wonder how many children saw that video on which showed the jack-booted UN police approach them with a small child amongst the adults. The music rose to a crescendo but the final action left out to increase the suspense.
What would be going through the imagination of the child watching that video? Were those UN police about to kill any of the Witnesses?
Even more subtle things like the illustration of a girl with a scared look on her face in a meeting being held in a basement. Children can pick up on that sort of thing.
Did you ever think about being persecuted?
by Funchback ini was introduced to the jw religion at the age of 7. i can't recall when i was taught about having to suffer persecution in the so-called last days, but i do remember thinking that i would crumble under pressure.. as i entered my young adult years, i imagined how governments would persecute us.
i had thoughts of being tortured for information and then how i would say anything to the torturer just to stop the pain and then be labeled a modern-day judas, missing out on everlasting life.. the jw way of life and expectations are both scary and unrealistic.. i am glad i have canceled armageddon.
also, if i should ever be tortured for some belief or principle, i shall remain strong until the end.
Village Idiot
It's amusing how the Witnesses believe that Armageddon is around the corner but they leave out the Great Tribulation which is supposed to be when they're tortured.